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Skin Exfoliation and your Cleansing Ritual

Why is it important to Exfoliate your Skin

Exfoliating your skin goes hand in hand with your cleansing ritual. Exfoliating is important because it helps to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, revealing a brighter, smoother, and more even-toned skin. 

Some reasons why regular exfoliation is beneficial for the skin include:

1. Improving skin texture: Exfoliating can help to smooth and refine the skin's texture, making it appear smoother and more even.

2. Enhances product absorption: By removing dead skin cells, exfoliating can help other skincare products penetrate more deeply and be more effective.

3. Reduces the appearance of pores: Regular exfoliation can help to unclog pores and reduce their appearance.

4. Helps to prevent breakouts: Exfoliating can help to prevent breakouts by removing dead skin cells and excess oil from the skin's surface.

5. Promotes cell turnover: Exfoliating can help to promote cell turnover, which can help to improve the overall health and appearance of the skin.

However, it is important to exfoliate your skin properly and not overdo it. Over-exfoliation can cause skin irritation, dryness, and sensitivity. The frequency of exfoliation depends on your skin type and the type of exfoliant you are using. Generally, we suggest using Stephanies BHA Treatment Exfoliator 1-2 times per week for normal to oily skin, and once per week for dry or sensitive skin. However, if you have acne-prone or congested skin, you may benefit from more frequent exfoliation. 

It is important to listen to your skin and adjust your exfoliation routine accordingly.

Here are some steps to follow for exfoliating your skin:

1. Choosing the right exfoliator: There are two main types of exfoliators: physical exfoliators (scrubs) and chemical exfoliators (acids). Physical exfoliators contain small particles that physically scrub away dead skin cells, while chemical exfoliators use alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs) to dissolve dead skin cells. Our Stephanies BHA Treatment Exfoliator has the power of both – Physical scrub and BHA’s! For those with sensitive skin, we suggest applying a small amount of the exfoliator to the skin and leaving on skin without the need for manually exfoliation.

2. Wash your face: Before you begin exfoliating, it is important to cleanse your face to remove any makeup, dirt, or oil. Double cleansing is ideal; using two different types of cleansers to remove dirt, oil, and makeup from the skin. The first cleanser is typically an oil-based cleanser like Stephanies Hydrating Pre Cleansing Oil, which helps to break down and dissolve any oil-based impurities on the skin, such as makeup and sunscreen. The second cleanser is a water-based cleanser like Stephanies Hydrating Lactic Cleanser, which helps to remove any remaining dirt, sweat, and bacteria from the skin.

3. Apply the exfoliator: Take a small amount of exfoliator and gently apply it to your face, avoiding the eye area. If you are using a physical exfoliator, use gentle circular motions to massage the product into your skin. If you have sensitive skin and using Stephanies BHA Treatment Exfoliator, apply a thin layer and let it sit for the recommended amount of time (usually a few minutes).

4. Rinse off: Rinse your face thoroughly with lukewarm water to remove the exfoliator. Be sure to remove all the product to avoid irritation.

5. Moisturise: After exfoliating, your skin may be more sensitive than usual, so it is important to moisturise your skin to help it recover. Apply Stephanies Antioxidant Nutrient Cream to hydrate and protect your skin.

What happens to my skin if I do not exfoliate?

Dead skin cells can accumulate on the surface of your skin, which can lead to a variety of skin problems. Potential consequences of not exfoliating your skin may include:

1. Dull, uneven skin tone: Dead skin cells can make your complexion look dull and uneven.

2. Clogged pores: Dead skin cells can clog your pores, which can lead to blackheads, whiteheads, and acne.

3. Dry, flaky skin: Dead skin cells can also make your skin feel dry and flaky, especially if you have naturally dry skin.

4. Fine lines and wrinkles: Dead skin cells can make fine lines and wrinkles more noticeable.

Exfoliating your skin regularly can help to prevent these problems and keep your skin looking healthy and glowing. 

Is it too late to start exfoliating?

Skin experts say it is never too late to start with a quality skincare routine which includes exfoliating. The key is to ensure that you maintain your routine each day.

If you are needing advice on what is right for you, our Stephanies team will provide you with one-on-one personalised skin coaching so you can learn more about your unique skin profile.

Our consultations go beyond your individual skin assessment. We will discuss with you your top skin concerns and goals, what is currently in your skincare regimen, provide you with product recommendations for a beautiful at home skincare ritual, whilst allowing time for any questions that you may have. 
Connect with one of our six Stephanies spa locations across South East Queensland today.